
REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox – Something to look forward to!

Candy Color paradox
Candy Color paradox


Candy Color Paradox which aired on december 16, 2022 starred kimura Kieto as Onoe Satoshi and Yamanaka Jyutaro as Kaburagi Motoharu. The story opens with Onoe Satoshi working as a reporter writer in a case team at a weekly “DASH” which often contains juicy details or scandals of celebrities.

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On the other hand his co worker Kaburagi Motoharu is a photographer who works in the stakeout team from the entertainment industry is smart and witty is ahead of Onoe which makes him bothered, having this jealousy or unknown feelings towards him makes him intrigued about him. Their story started to evolve at the time working on a case “Capture the CM queen Asaoka Yumi” 


 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!
Candy Color paradox

The story revolves around Onoe and Kaburagi, being two contrasting characters which unlock the opportunity for them to explore themselves and their capability in their respective fields. The backstory of each character was filled with dark reality. This show depicted many interesting plots such as the contrast of this bleak world which offers fame and success even if they are exploited both physically and emotionally.

Another character which made a cameo on this series is Inami Kei played by Izuka Kenta, frustrated from his first love whom he failed to confess, he fell into the trap of denial and unrequited love which led him to his own destruction.

 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!
Candy Color paradox

Other casts such as the boss of Onoe and Kaburagi he also depicted as a grey character, him witnessing both struggles and exploitation of his own employees he chose to keep steady, which shows the mere reality of an entertainment industry. There is a line where the leader of the team said, “Even though he uses deceiving methods he is still him because it’s his job also it will enhance his capability to face the challenges”.

The story and chemistry between the two leads are exceptional, even though it was a little fast paced but the understanding between two characters are really something to praise. Onoe who doesn’t like to deceive or use any guile methods to benefit himself. On the other hand, Kaburagi uses his charm and witty mind and sweet talk to get his work done.

 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!
Candy Color paradox

Another interesting plot twist took place when Kei Minami, the great actor of the industry came to give an interview at DASH. While working out his own situationship with Kaburagi, Onoe got carried away by his own personal view on the actor Minami San. Him having a terrible past with his unrequited love and the consequences he encountered. This time lapse explored the reality of being a professional reporter and not letting our own personal view cloud our judgement on that particular person. 

Author pov:

Even though this series consists of short episodes, it’s still quite intriguing. The color setting of the series, the cinematography and each detail while presenting the scenes are really good.


The Drama Paradise: 7.6/10

Overall review:

 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!
Candy Color paradox

This series deserves a watch and requires more recognition. This has the perfect balance of both storytelling and the character execution and bringing out the message. 

That’s all for today’s review. I’ll come back with my next review 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Candy Color Paradox end?

TBH, the series ended with them being in a relationship so it has happy ending but I want to see more of them like working together how they will end up in future and how will they handle their personal and professional life.

How many episodes are in Candy Color Paradox BL series?

It has total 8 episodes.

Is Ameiro Paradox live finished?

Yes, it was finished on February 10, 2023

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 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!
About the author

katzy is an Enthusiastic reviewer and critique writer. She mostly writes about LGBTQ contents , you can call her kate.

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 | REVIEW: Ameiro Paradox or Candy Color paradox - Something to look forward to!